Everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately when a contractor makes a mistake, it can cause big problems. The best way to avoid them is to learn to prevent them. As you are getting overwhelmed with work, dealing the delays and are trying to keep up, you may find yourself trying to take short cuts in order to get the job done on time. That’s where problems start and you want to avoid doing that if possible. Here are the most common mistakes contractors make and hopefully, ones you will know not to do.
- Hire cheap subcontractors: It can be very tempting to hire cheap and save money. However, when it comes to subcontractors like a crane rental company, you need to make sure that you are hiring quality. Any mistakes made is going to cost you a lot of time and a lot of money so make sure you hire someone who will get the job done.
- Rush: You cannot rush anything on a construction job site. You need to make sure that everything is done safely. Mistakes will cost you more money and time than you were already having to spend in the first place.
- Take on too much work: It’s hard to say no to money. Every contractor knows what it’s like to have little to no work and when the flood gates do open, you want to grab as much as you can. Don’t make that mistake; be sure to take on only what you can handle.
- Bid low: If you are good at what you do then do not sell yourself short. Make sure you put a fair figure on your bid. Remember, you are going to have delays, things will cost more than you expected and you need to make sure you make money off this job.
- Poorly budgeted time: Do not think that you can get done in a week what has always taken you two weeks to do. Furthermore, plan for bad weather, equipment delays or simply any delay that can keep you from finishing by your realistic deadline.
- Forget to schedule ahead: Remember, just because you need a crane rental company next week means they will be available. Make sure you schedule as early as possible.
- Keep organized: Your tuck is not your office and file cabinet. You need to make sure that every piece of paperwork is sent to the office and filed so that if and when you need to refer back to something for this job, it’s very easy to find.
You can feel free to contact VA Crane Rental to help with any projects throughout Virginia, assist with bidding and to schedule ahead for our services. We are here to eliminate problems and make sure that job is done right, on time, on budget and safely.